Short Stories and Works in Progress

The Learned and The Lost
The first being one of the first short stories I every wrote. It's called "The Learned and The Lost". A mild science fiction/mystery. I re-edited it recently and am pleased with it, but I'm open to any suggestions you might have. (some adult content and situations)

Angels and Ministers of Grace
The second is a story based on my Champions campaign and the comic I did in 1992. I have elaborated on the plots and the characters. The characters are RPG characters written by Jeff Hull, Rebekah Kennedy, Todd Embree, Remi Embree, and myself. The first two chapters are provided for your entertainment. Comments always welcome.
(some adult content and violence)

Space Gothic (final title TBD)
The third story is a Science fiction tale based on my Sci-fi RPG game. As before I have elaborated on the plots and the characters. The characters are RPG characters written by Rebekah Kennedy, Jeff Hull, Todd Embree, Remi Embree, and myself. Only the first chapter and 1/4 are provided for your entertainment. Comments always welcome. (some adult content and violence)

The Chronicles of Dojaan: Earthchild
The forth story is a fantasy adventure tale I started way back in 1985, and found recently in my archives. I have updated the style of writing and the character development. Only the first chapter and 1/2 are provided for your entertainment. Comments always welcome. (some adult content and violence)

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